Welcome to my portfolio. So far, these are the projects I coded (or was involved with) that I consider ready for a showcase.


  • This website (March 2024 - now): The website itself showcases my ability to use Hugo to make static websites and my ability to work with themes too. The reason a website was made was to give a professional look to my online identity and to also be able to say whatever I want without getting my posts removed because of censorship.
  • Evident Server Engine (Summer 2023 - now): The server was made upon a commission from Evident. It was made using Dragonfly, a server software library made in Go. Click on the link for more information.
  • Hera (July 13th 2021 - July 15th 2023): This is a Discord bot I worked on during my free time since July 2021. I stopped working on it in 2023 because I wanted to primarily focus on Minecraft related projects. The project is now under an organization I gave ownership to someone else and archived on GitHub.

    A new personal Discord bot (unrelated to this project) is in the works with technologies such as Bun, discord.js and MongoDB.

  • Knock (December 20th 2020 - now): The oldest big project I worked on. This is a remake of an iconic minigame where you knock people in the void. There was a plugin already, but it didn’t work with PocketMine 3 (that was the latest version at the time), so I decided to re-code it for that version of the server. The project is now under an organization I gave ownership to someone else and maintained to this day (not frequently, though).

    A remake for PocketMine 5 (unrelated to this project) with a better codebase is in the works, utilizing PHP and object oriented programming better.

Video Editing

Even if I’m not focused on video editing, I still edit some videos for myself or for people who ask me.

  • My YouTube channel (April 1st 2024 - now): in this channel I upload videos to express my creativity to the public.