I’m taking this opportunity to come out and tell the truth to everyone online. I like being happy. I like being myself, rather than someone whose ideas and ways of doing things are dictated by the people around them.

A brief story

Three years ago at this point, I saw a handsome-looking guy. I thought he was attractive. At that time, I didn’t think much about it other than that it was weird (I probably still had some internalized homophobia, which thankfully faded away later on). Two years after that, I started talking with more people and friends who were part of the LGBTQ community. They all made me realize how happy they were to accept themselves, so I started re-considering that thought I had two years ago. Finally, in September 2023, I decided to come out to a now mostly inactive friend group.

Later on, I told more people IRL about it. Now, things are just as normal as they were before I came out. That boosted my confidence, to the point that I can confidently answer many of those questions that may be weird to ask.

I have changed some aspects of my life to reflect the fact that I want to be myself. For example, I stopped letting myself change just because some people judged me based on some basic things. During that time, I came out to my friend group first, and now all I did was find out more about me, even the simplest aspects like music!


I can definitely see that some people will tell me that this is nothing ground-breaking and that no one will really care, and they are right. A problem with some people is that they flex their sexuality on people for no reason. Some even have the F slur in their Twitter banner, which is just dumb in my opinion (and many others). If you’re one of these people, please consider not making your sexuality your entire personality. People won’t like you if you do.

I can tell you that I’m a real one. Sexuality is not a choice; I didn’t choose to be gay. It’s all a matter of finding out the things you actually like, rather than trying to find some attention by faking them. You have to like yourself before anything else, or life won’t go as happily as you may think. So, don’t worry. I won’t brag about it; I’m simply proud of it.

The end

I hope that you liked reading this article and that it enlightened you about me. I hope this inspires some closeted people to talk about their experiences with more people. I want to thank all the friends who are supportive of me for who I am; they are seriously the best people I’ve ever met online ❤️.

Join my Discord, subscribe to my YouTube channel, follow my Twitch, and share this article (along with my socials) with more people to celebrate this day and this month. Thank you for dedicating the time to read this; you’re cool.